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An "ISO 9001-2015 Certified" Company 


We provide ASNT NDT Level III Consulting services for internal or third-party NDT auditing of Quality Management System evaluation and implementation to the compliance per code, standards (or ISO 9001-2008 quality system module) or Client requirement. Checklists are prepared according to ASTM E1359 - "Standard Guide for Surveying Nondestructive Testing Agencies". Our report includes finding, a major area of concern, recommendation for corrective action and Quality System Approval. Compliance audits employ specification and procedure requirements to establish checklists for procedures followed by a process demonstration during the actual work performance. We check to provide is NDT level II training and certification requirement has been established as per their written practice. We provide the following audit and support to the customer.

Second Party or Supplier Audit

This will be carried out by a customer on its supplier to ensure their adequacy and /or compliance to a standard, specified system or contract requirements. It is normally carried out by the customer's own staff or contracted personnel. It may include the audit of individuals or companies supplying to others within the same group.

Compliance Audit and Documentation Review

This is to determine the extent to which the documented system ( quality manual, procedures, work instructions, and formats) meets the requirements of the specified standard. It is normally carried out in advance of an audit and may be referred to as a desktop audit.

Third Party Internal Audit

This is an organization looking at its own systems, procedure, and activities to ascertain whether or not they are adequate and being complied with. These can also be carried out within a particular area or function or against a specific job.

Product or Inspection Audit

Conducted to determine the status of a product against a quality or inspection plan. Often carried out by an independent inspection or quality organization.

Qualification Surveys

Conducted to determine the qualification survey of NDE Personnel performing the NDE of a product against a quality or inspection plan. Often carried out by an independent inspection or quality organization.