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Our online multimedia Ultrasonic A San Thickness Measurement - Level II,  training is deigned to fulfill the requirements of ASNT SNT-TC-1A , CP -189,  other equivalent standards and customer specific written practice for training and certification of NDE personnel. This method will give you in depth knowledge of ultrasonic waves theory, equipment, A-Scan  thickness measurement techniques and application for lamellar flaw detection and corrosion mapping. This course will give you 16 hours of credit for your certification in this method.

During this course training you will give examination in General theory and Specification. You are required to successfully pass these examinations with minimum of 70% grading.  To meet complete training requirement of ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2006 , you are required to have practical training and examination too, which you can schedule with us after successfull complition of this course. Your avarage grading of all three examination should be 80% minimum.